Ali Academy
Ali Academy is a proposed, free, K through 12, social justice public school that aims to serve children and families in Saint Louis City, MO. We will start with sixth grade and grow each year. We exist to achieve greater social justice in education by providing a world class rigorous education and invite you to help us build a school that speaks to our highest aspirations.
Home of the GREATS
While we have millions of jobs nationally that are unfilled. Here in St. Louis, 80% of our children are not able to read, write, and do basic math on grade level. This means that many of the children of St. Louis will be passed over for well paying jobs. This disadvantages students, families, and whole communities from leading happy, productive, and dignified lives. We are dedicated to helping each child graduate being able to read on grade level, become certified in some area (IT, Web Design, Carpentry, Auto Mechanics etc.), earn a college acceptance letter, and build a drive to make the world a better place. Parents, let the state know that a school like Ali Academy is needed now.
Greatness. Within. Reach.
Our children will help St. Louis realize its greatness. But first, they must realize their own greatness. Education at Ali is not passive. A scholar is one who seeks knowledge so our children must be active. Through a relevant education, where every scholar explores careers, colleges and social justice issues; a rigorous education, where every scholar becomes a strong critical reader; and a righteous education, where every scholar learns to become their best selves and develop a moral compass impervious to incitements to do wrong; our scholars will graduate ready to change the world.
Do you want your child to become one of the GREATS?
We will start with sixth grade and grow each year. You can start letting us know if you are interested by clicking here!
Our Mission
Ali Academy will empower scholars to achieve academic, professional, personal, and communal greatness by focusing on relevance, rigor, and righteousness.
Read more about our mission
What We Offer
Relevance: Real-world meaningful learning
Career focus - Certification in some industry by the time every scholar graduates (E.g., Website Design, IT, Health Care, Auto Mechanics)
Social justice focus
Small class sizes
Righteousness: Sports & advisory for every scholar to help teach great character
Rigor: A literacy specialist to ensure at or above grade level reading for all scholars
K-12 continuum to provide consistency, stability, and strong social-emotional relationships
A Social Justice School
Social Justice is a societal state where every human being has access to the rights, opportunities, and treatment necessary to live healthy, dignified, joyful, and fulfilling lives. For this to happen our children must seek greatness. They must understand social justice issues, be critical thinkers and readers to develop solutions, have empowered economic futures to enable continued social justice work, and show the righteousness necessary to put their community before themselves. Our belief that every, single, child is capable of greatness is in itself an expression of social justice and deep love.
Learn more here.
Strong Literacy
We engage in high quality work that matters. Our work is a reflection of our very being. Thus our work must speak to greatness, reflect our shared humanity, and strive for positive impact. The understanding of content, the acquisition of skill, and critical analysis are not academic exercises but rather life affirming propositions. It is difficult to advocate for yourself or your community if you cannot read deeply and critically, or write clearly and convincingly.
Read more here.
Who was Madam C.J. Walker? Who was Frederick Douglass? Who is Malala Yousafzai? Who was Anne Frank? Scholars learn about the Greats who fought for our shared humanity so that they can do the same. Our Greats were Giving & grateful, Respectful, Ever curious, Always optimistic, Tenacious and Spiritually self-disciplined and we must be too. Every day is an opportunity to practice these values. Our sports program provides a perfect opportunity to practice these values every day. The GREATS frame our character education program.
Learn more here.