Driven by Kids, Mission, and Greatness
Ali is the Arabic word for higher. We don’t just learn about the world, we work to improve it. We work to achieve at higher levels than we ever thought possible
Our Vision
The Ali Academy Community will build successful educational, economic, social, and political institutions that will fight for and achieve social justice for all. We seek to build a network and improve schools across the nation and world.
Our Mission
Ali Academy will empower scholars to achieve academic, professional, communal and personal greatness by focusing on relevance, rigor, and righteousness.
Greatness. Within. Reach
Ali is the Arabic word for higher. The goal is not just to have scholars graduate from college or have successful careers, but for scholars, staff, and parents to realize their purpose, their greatness, and their responsibility to humanity and strive to achieve at higher levels than they ever thought possible.
Ali Academy is a testament to the legacy left by the Greats like Frida Kahlo, Muhammad Ali, Madame C.J. Walker, and the legacy of those who fought against the injustices of war, poverty, and the temptation to give in and compromise one’s principles during tough times. Unrelenting figures in American and world history, we will imbue our scholars with that same persistence and spirit to build institutions that will make the world a better place. Drive not demographics or dint of birth should determine destiny
Not only did our historical figures push for greatness professionally, but they pushed to be great human beings, exemplifying the best of us. Greatness is what we cultivate. And their lives prove to us that no matter the circumstance or disadvantage, all of our scholars can achieve because greatness is within their reach.
Our Principles
To achieve our mission, we believe we must (1.) frame everything we do in the context of social justice. Social justice is a societal state where every human being has access to the rights, opportunities, and treatment necessary to live healthy, dignified, and fulfilling lives. To do this we must create learning experiences that are relevant to the lives, parents, communities, and world of our students. Their work must be part of something bigger than the sum of its parts. Their work must matter to them and to the world. It must be RELEVANT. The connections between school and the “real world” must be clear and present in every class, every day.
Everyone must (2.) thoroughly enjoy the work. It has to be fun for scholars and teachers alike. The only way this hard work can be sustained is if it is also fun. It must be joyful work.
Scholars must (3.) perform. Kids must be able to read, write, and do math at grade level or above. Scholars receive standards-based-grades based on the Missouri Learning StandardS. For example, scholars must be able to retell a story’s beginning, middle, and end and determining their central message, lesson, or moral; count by 10s and 100s, Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence; and Identify and explain why Missouri has a constitution and why the state makes and enforces laws. These standards are measured in a variety of ways including the State MAP assessment and our scholars must perform well on these RIGOROUS assessments.
Scholars and staff must (4.) embody the GREATS in order to exhibit the strength of character necessary to achieve their goals. Character matters. It determines not only who you are but who you will become. One cannot seek the betterment of the world and exempt themselves from the process. Staff must be RIGHTEOUS and also embrace this parallel process seeking to do better for themselves, their scholars, and their world.