Home of the GREATS
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands at times of conflict and controversy"
The GREATS is our character education program and is infused in everything we do. It is how we pursue the righteousness in our mission. Character is part of what defines us. Do we speak up in the face of injustice? What do we do when no one is watching? Do we tell the truth even when it gets us in trouble? Are we kind, and do we care from others? To be one of the GREATS means you try to display these values as much as possible, even when it’s hard, every day. We all make mistakes and falter. But the GREATS learn from those stakes and commit to being better. The commitment to the GREATS is shared by children and adults alike. This is a community so we must all do our part to create the type of community, and eventually, the type of world we dream of.
Graduate Aims
Scholars who graduate from Ali Academy will be…
Driven - The Greats identify at least two career options, acquire certification in one area of interest, develop a plan and take steps to begin a successful career. They strive through challenge, adversity, and doubt, knowing that will eventually succeed.
Active - The Greats analyze current social justice issues and identify their potential actions and the actions of others. Then they take action.
Critical - The Greats read and digest information critically at the college level.
Literate - The Greats excel in media and information literacy to ensure full awareness of any issue before taking action.
Self-aware - The Greats define who they are, who they want to become, and identify actions they need to take to become those people.
Caring - The Greats care for other people and all living things.
Equitable - The Greats employ an equity framework to their solution oriented thinking to ensure that everyone has the means to thrive based on their individual and communal needs.