Frequently Asked Questions
How do I enroll?
To enroll, simply let us now you’re interested by completing this short form here or hit the enroll button at the top right of this page. We will send you an email with our application when it becomes available.
What does it cost to study at Ali Academy?
Ali Academy is a public school funded by the public dollars. It is therefore free for all families who want to enroll their child.
Who can enroll in Ali Academy?
We welcome all children in Kindergarten and 6th grade. Every year after that we will add a grade at both levels until we reach 12th grade. So in the year after we open we will have Kindergarten, 1st grade, 6th grade, and 7th grade. If you have any further questions you can contact us here. We are open to all children and do not discriminate based on race, religion, academic ability, disability or gender.
Where is the school located?
We do not currently have a location but are looking into acquiring the former Carondelet Leadership Academy building located at 7604 Michigan Ave.
What is a charter school?
Charters are public schools authorized by the State Board of Education. They are open to the public, funded by the public and accountable to the public. Charter Schools have independent boards that are held accountable for meeting the school’s mission and performance metrics. Charter public schools are required to meet the same state standards as traditional schools, but can do so using different strategies.